The game allows for you to jump from platform to platform in the game, bringing vertical surfaces into play for the battle. Each mob is a unique beast with special skills ranging from the ability to destroy the ground beneath your feet to ending up in a rodeo when you try to jump on their back. You won’t be able to use your knowledge of past monsters to help you fight the available ones here. Once the initial levels have passed, the developers held nothing back. A few of these environments will definitely remind people of past Monster Hunter games, but mostly in a good way. It’s refreshing to see how much detail was put into the backgrounds, even if it’s a small part of the game. You’ll travel through them to arena like areas.
Rather than one static arena, forest, or mountain terrain, there are several different environments to battle in. One of the nicest touches this game has is the environments these hunts take place in. This easier intro is designed to make the game a little more beginner friendly, but by the time you hit level 5 or so the compromise is over. If you’re experienced at gaming however, you’ll probably breeze through the early levels of this newer version of the game.